This directory contains 3 Excel matadata files: . The CorrectedMetadata_20131010.xlsx file contains a corrected version of the main meta-data of the ANDRO floats: . There is one sheet per DAC, . The green cells refer to data that have been added or corrected, . The red cells refer to data that have been checked and considered to be doubtful, . The UP_TIME and DOWN_TIME parameters of the APEX floats should be reported in the configuration parameters of the meta nc files (see in the DAC cookbook how these crucial parameters are used), . The DPDP_parameter_20131010.xlsx file contains the Deep Profile Descent Period configuration parameter decoded from APEX test message sent during the prelude phase (see in the DAC cookbook how this parameter is used), . The DPF_APEX_floats_20131010.xlsx file contains the Deep Profile First APEX that have been visually confirmed to be DPF floats (see in the DAC cookbook where this programmed characteristic is crucial to be known).